Everything Naomi Loved Named one of the best PBs of 2020

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Everything Naomi Loved

Everything Naomi Loved is the first book I've ever co-authored. It was a great experience and resulted in something totally different from what I normally write, which is really refreshing. Now Betsy Bird, one of my favorite librarians, has named it one of the best picture books of 2020!

Here's what she had to say: "What do you do when everything starts to go away? Naomi’s block isn’t pretty but it’s alive! So when changes come from the outside, she needs help finding some way to hold onto what’s gone. Hm. Long story short, this is probably the best book on how gentrification affects kids I’ve ever seen. It’s a book with a mission but it’s also, at its heart, a book about change and methods we can use to accept that change. It’s funny how cheery it is considering that Naomi loses a LOT of what she loves in the course of things. I also can’t stop thinking about it. Probably a sign that it’s pretty good. "

If you'd like to see the other amazing books she named Best of 2020, you can follow the link here: https://blogs.slj.com/afuse8production/2020/12/31/31-days-31-lists-2020-...