Do you want to read something very serious and grown-up about me? Me neither. But sometimes people seem to want me to praise myself and list every accomplishment ever and be all like "I'm so awesome. Look at my awards!" So if you want that, I've got my serious bio here. But if that sounds boring (me too) then I've got a not so serious bio below that.
Super Serious "Ian Lendler is an important man" Bio:
Ian Lendler is a journalist and award-winning author of picture books, non-fiction, and graphic novels. His most recent middle-grade non-fiction, The First Dinosaur, was voted Kirkus Best of 2019, an NSTA Best of 2019, an Orbus Pictus Recommended Title, a Crystal Kite Honor, and Cybil Award winner. It was also selected by the Junior Library Guild
His graphic novel series, The Stratford Zoo Presents..., was voted Best of 2014 and 2015 by a number of state library societies as well as being a Junior Library Guild Selection.
His most recent picture book, The Fabled Life of Aesop, has received several starred reviews and was hailed by School Library Journal as “amazing” and “a remarkable book.” Booklist called his previous picture book, One Day A Dot, “rare, if not unique.”
Ian also has many more picture books which are awesome and have gotten various accolades and awards, but seriously, enough...'
He lives in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Now, do you REALLY want to learn something about me?
My Personal Bio:
Ian Lendler is, first and foremost, a person.
After that, the details get a bit sketchy. We're pretty sure he has two arms and two legs. There are rumors of a third thumb, which you may laugh about now but let's see what you think 1,000 years from now when evolution decides that three thumbs is way better because you can use can-openers more efficiently and hitchhike with aplomb and everyone will laugh about the old days when everyone was a "two-thumber."
But I digress.
I am a writer. For some bizarre reason, you are visiting my website so…WELCOME! I hope you’re here because you like my books. Otherwise, this could get awkward.
Want to know something more about me? Okay…. I originally hail from Wallingford, Connecticut (“home of the steamed cheeseburger”). But after stints in New York City, London, and San Francisco, I now live in San Rafael, CA (“home of normal cheeseburgers”).
I have 1 wife (the maximum number allowed by law), 2 kids (the maximum number allowed by sanity), a dog (who’s currently making eyes at my turkey sandwich), a hammock (which is tragically not being occupied by me at the moment), and a deep, deep desire to end this bio with something witty yet touching which will leave you, dear reader, with a sense that this whole reading experience, this whole “visiting Ian’s website” journey has been edifying, enlightening, and in some intangible way, has left you a better person for having been here.
I’ll get back to you on that one.